WebGL 3D web applications in Trivandrum

15 Mar 2017

WebGL is an implementation of OpenGL ES 2.0 for the web. Basically, WebGL (Web Graphics Library ) is an image library that allows developer to create real-time rendered, interactive 3D graphics.  WebGL is a JavaScript API based on the well-known OpenGL 3D graphics standard, and it gives JavaScript plugin-free access to the graphics hardware, via the HTML5 canvas element. WebGL is a tool for anything from real-time data visualisation, games and maps to support for 3D printing.

WebGL is really fast and fully utilizes hardware acceleration, making it suitable for games or complex visualizations. Although other options can benefit from hardware acceleration, WebGL is written with performance in mind and should perform better than other options.

WebGL applications can utilize small programs known as 'shaders' to produce complex visual effects. A simple shader might produce a sepia coloring effect, while a more complex implementation might simulate water or flames.

WebGL 1.0 is supported in the stable releases of most major browsers on both desktop and mobile platforms. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari are all known to have good WebGL support on both desktop and mobile browsers.

Altogether, WebGL is a promising feature for the next level web technology, a revolution into the presentation of information via  web. 

If you like to present your products / services in a 3D innovative way to your customers, we can create a webGL enabled website application for your business. 

Please call 0471-2722111 / (+91) 813-888-4152  or just fill in enquiry form in contact us page.